A horizontal offset on the wall, supporting the roof of a building and protecting the wall from a running-off water; also the topmost element of the entablature in architectural orders
Storage units:
Church of St. Barbara
Trinity Cathedral
Church of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"
Gagarin House on Povarskaya street
Building of Academy of Sciences
Gagarin house on Novinsky boulevard
The Moscow Orphanage
Marble Palace
Triumphal Arch
Palace Square
Red Gate in Moscow
Small Hermitage
The building of the Gentry assembly (Assembly of the Nobility)
Golitsyn Hospital
Church of Metropolitan Philip
Military hospital in Lefortovo
Alexandrovsky Institute
First city hospital
Ensemble of the Provision Warehouse
Hermitage Theatre
The barracks of the Paul’s guards regiment at the Field of Mars
Ensemble of the Alexandrinsky Theatre
Church of Archangel Gabriel ("Menshikov Tower")
Narva Triumphal Gate
Catherine Palace