Large Study Room interior in Gagarin House in Povarskaya str...
Master Bedroom interior in Gagarin House in Povarskaya stre...
Storage units:
Gagarin House on Povarskaya street
Museum collections
1820 - 1820
Domenico Gilardi
Главный фасад Дома С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Main facade of the Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Генплан усадьбы и план парадного этажа дома. Обмерный чертеж М.В. Першина.

General plan of the estate and plan of the ground floor of the house. Measurement plan of M. Pershin.
Общий вид Дома С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

General view of Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Фрагмент центральной части фасада.

Fragment of the central part of the facade.
Арочная ниша в центральной части фасада Дома С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Exedra in the central part of the facade of Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Наличник окна нижнего этажа с маской льва на замковом камне. Дом С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Window surround of the ground floor with a lion mask on a keystone. Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Декор фасада Дома С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Facade decoration of Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Интерьер аванзала Дома С.С. Гагарина.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Interior of the entrance hall of Gagarin house.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Large Study Room interior in Gagarin House in Povarskaya street
Master Bedroom interior in Gagarin House in Povarskaya street
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One of the best examples of residential construction of the period of Moscow Empire style - house constructed by D. Gilardi for prince Gagarin - distinguishes with its original dimensional and facade composition. A tight, strictly symmetrical, not linked by outhouses dimension of the construction is moved a bit back from the building line of the street. The architecture of the main facade shows the temperance of the Empire style. The ground floor is decorated with rectangular rustication, the main motive of the Empire style - lion masks - could be found in the keystones of the windows. Lateral walls are almost without any decoration. Centre of the facade is marked with a small risalit and a flat fronton. Here Gilardi abandons traditional portico and uses an arch form with plastically rich architectural and ornamental decoration.