Storage units:
First city hospital
1827 - 1833
Joseph Bové
Первая Градская больница. Общий вид.

First city hospital. General view.
Первая Градская больница. Фото конца XIX в.

First city hospital. Photo of the end of the XIX century.
Главный фасад Первой Градской больницы.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Main facade of the First city hospital.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Портик главного фасада Первой Градской больницы.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Portico of the main facade of the First city hospital.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Декор главного фасада Первой Градской больницы.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Decoration of the main facade of the First city hospital.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Интерьер бывшей больничной церкви. Барельефы и скульптурные группы ангелов выполнены скульптором И.П. Витали.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Interior of the former hospital church. Bas-reliefs and sculptural groups of angels are performed by sculptor I. Vitali.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
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City hospital on Bolshaya Kaluzhskaya street is one of the most significant public buildings created by architect O.Bove. It was the first hospital built at the expense of the city. Bove used the mansion scheme in the composition of the ensemble of few blocks. The centre of the extended main building is being emphasised with a large portico. The decoration of the walls is quite modest and consists of flat exedras and two piers with an ornamented architrave.