Senate view in Kremlin...
Central part of the Senate Building façade in Kremlin...
Senate. View from the Senate square...
Storage units:
Building of the Kremlin Senate
Museum collections
1776 - 1787
Matvey Kazakov
Вид на Сенат, 1960-е. Слайдотека Музея архитектуры.

Органично вписалось в Кремль здание Сената, в котором проявилось зрелое мастерство зодчего в создании удивительно согласованного плана, торжественных фасадов и в осуществлении блистательного интерьера купольного Екатерининского зала.
Сенат стал первой значительной постройкой в классическом стиле в ансамбле Кремля. Его фасады сохранили архитектурный декор, характерный для раннего классицизма: рустованный нижний этаж, заполненность стен пилястрами, филенками, сложный венчающий карниз.

View on the Senate, 1960-s. Slide library of the Museum of architecture.

The building of the Senate (1776- 1788) seamlessly fits into the Kremlin. With the creation of a remarkably arranged plan, solemn facades and with the performing of an outstanding interior of the vault Ekaterininsky hall it demonstrates the mature art of the architect.
The Senate became the first prominent construction in the classical style in the Kremlin ensemble. Its facades keep the architectural decoration typical of the early classicism: rusticate ground floor, walls filled with pilars, raised panels, complex final cornice.
План парадного этажа Сената.

В плане здание Сената образует треугольник, разбитый короткими поперечными корпусами на большой пятигранный и малые треугольные дворы. В вершине треугольника расположен величественный круглый зал, перекрытый куполом.

Plan of the ceremonial floor of the Senate.

In the plan the building of the Senate forms a triangle, devided with short cross blocks in a big five-canted and small triangle courts. On the top of the triangle there is a solemn round hall, couvered with a vault.
Ротонды Екатерининского зала. Вид из внутреннего двора. 1960-е. Слайдотека Музея архитектуры.

Rotundas of the Ekaterininsky hall. View from the inner court. 1960-s. Slide library of the Museum of Architecture.
Интерьер Екатерининского зала.
1960-е. Слайдотека Музея архитектуры

Архитектура этого зала, прозванного "Русским Пантеоном", –несомненно, лучший интерьер московского классицизма. Зал обрамлен величественной коринфской колоннадой, украшен многочисленными барельефами на темы русской истории.

Indoor scene of the Ekaterininky hall.
1960-s. Slide library of the Museum of Architecture.

The architecture of this hall, called "The Russian Pantheon", without any doubts represents the best interior of Moscow classicism. The hall is being banded with a magnificent Corinthian colonnade, decorated with multiple bas-reliefs on Russian history.
Senate view in Kremlin
Central part of the Senate Building façade in Kremlin
Senate. View from the Senate square
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It's not by coincidence that we call the Moscow architecture before 1812 "the Kazakov architecture". The credit of creating of a certain character of the Moscow classicism of the last quarter of the XVIII century belongs to M. Kazakov and to the architects of his school. The architect managed to find the harmonic balance between rational classical forms and scenic diversity of Moscow styles.

The building of the Senate (1776- 1788) seamlessly fits into the Kremlin. With the creation of a remarkably arranged plan, solemn facades and with the performing of an outstanding interior of the vault Ekaterininsky hall it demonstrates the mature art of the architect. The building of the Senate and the University (1782- 1793) constructed right after, destined to serve to the grand conceptions of Law and Enlightenment, became the pride of Moscow classicism.