The Kremlin Palace and Armoury Chamber panoramic view...
The Grand Kremlin Palace first floor plan....
The Vladimirsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace...
The Georgievsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace...
The Alexandrovsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace...
The Andreyevsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace...
Winter Garden in the passage to the Armoury Chamber. The Gra...
Storage units:
Grand Kremlin Palace and Kremlin Armoury
Museum collections
1838 - 1849
Konstantin Thon
Большой Кремлевский Дворец. Общий вид.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Grand Kremlin Palace. General view.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
The Kremlin Palace and Armoury Chamber panoramic view
The Grand Kremlin Palace first floor plan.
The Vladimirsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace
The Georgievsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace
The Alexandrovsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace
The Andreyevsky Hall of Grand Kremlin Palace
Winter Garden in the passage to the Armoury Chamber. The Grand Kremlin Palace
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Construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace and Kremlin Armoury by the architect K. Thon included three types of work: restoration of the north-east part of the palace; radical reconstruction of the eastern part and new construction. By locking the place with the Church of the Savior in the Pine Forest in the square of palace buildings (historical and new), Thon has reconstructed the composition of the lost Kremlin constructions.
The mane facade of the palace put on a shoulder of Borovitsky hill facing the Moskva river, continue the theme of historical buildings that stood there before. The central axis of the facade is not shown in a plastic way, it comes from the figure portico made of five corbel arches, corresponding to five apertures of Terem Palace.
Interiors of the suite of ceremonial double lighted halls of the first and second floors are decorated in honor of the main Russian orders: Hall of St. Vladimir, Hall of St. George, Hall of St. Alexander, Hall of St. Andrew and Hall of St. Catherine. All the private rooms of the ground floor have a through passage zone along the windows - an enfilade framed with pylons carrying a ceremonial double-lighted story with an open arcade. Behind the pylons there is a suite of cosy living rooms of different style. Sculptors I. Vitali, P. Klodt, A. Loganovsky took part in a decoration of the palace interiors; F. Solntsec elaborated the design of parquetry and doors.