Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg...
Tauride Palace (State Duma) in St. Petersburg...
Tauride Palace park façade view...
Storage units:
Tauride Palace
Museum collections
1783 - 1789
Saint Petersburg
Ivan Starov
Панорама Таврического дворца в Санкт-Петербурге.

Panorama of Tauride Palace in Saint Petersburg.
Центральная часть главного фасада Таврического дворца.
Фото Д. Селивохина, 2014.

Central part of main facade of Tauride Palace.
Photo credit D. Selivokhin, 2014
Часть главного фасада Таврического дворца с боковым портиком.
Фото Д. Селивохина, 2014.

Part of main facade of Tauride Palace with lateral portico.
Photo credit D. Selivokhin, 2014
Интерьер купольного зала Таврического дворца.
Фото Д. Селивохина, 2014.

Interior of vault hall of Tauride Palace.
Photo credit D. Selivokhin, 2014
Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg
Tauride Palace (State Duma) in St. Petersburg
Tauride Palace park façade view
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The order system is most clearly expressed in creations of maestros of strict Classicism. The Tauride Palace created upon the project by I. Starov is reputed a canonical monument of that period. The architect has vastly and freely placed in the space an extensive, but strictly symmetric composition of the palace. The main artistic motive in the middle of the facade is an hexastyle Roman-Doric portico with columns took away from the wall. Plasticity of order forms is emphasized with walls expanse with rows of windows without architraves. Composition of ceremonial court in the form of Cyrillic letter "П" and yellow plastered walls with white porticos became beloved techniques of Russian Classicism. But a decent general view of Tauride palace was hiding an outstanding scale of its grand interiors. From its unprecedented spatial scale comes forward the colonnade of Grand gallery that has no equal for beauty. In the words of I. Grabar this hall is truly "a triumph of column", which expresses the essence of classicism. "Since then the column is an inevitable part of every architectural idea, a kind of key thought of an architect. He gives to the column his full attention, expresses in its proportions and details his inner thoughts..."