Architecture of this mansion differs with individual features of its dimensional composition and plan, which allows to assign it to the creative work of the most known maestros of Moscow Empire style. A single-floor faux stone wooden house, standing on an old vaulted storey, was built on site of a burnt-out one in a quite spatial estate of the XVIII century. On its territory still remain an ensemble of service buildings and a part of the garden with a corner pavilion. The angular location of the house caused the working out of its facades as front ones. Facade that gives on the lane is decorated with an eight-column portico of Ionic order with doubled columns. Facade that gives on Prechistenka street is more traditional. From the familiar Empire decoration sticks out a sculptural bas-relief assigned to sculpter G. Zamaraev. The house preserved the ceremonial suite of rooms, marble fireplaces, colourful painting of plafonds.
Associated objects
Church of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"
Lunins' House on Nikitsky boulevard
Alexander Garden
The Moscow University
Theatre Square and Bolshoy Theatre building
Board of trustees building on Solianka street (present Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)
Gagarin House on Povarskaya street
Usachev House
Upper Trading Rows on the Red Square
Steingel House