Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Gen...
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Ar...
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Lay...
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Cro...
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Por...
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Att...
Storage units:
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy
Museum collections
1690 - 1704
Moscow region
Общий вид.

General view.
Фрагмент фасада.

Fragment of facade.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. General view.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Arched window with a sculpture. Measurement diagram.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Layout. Measurement diagram.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Crown. Measurement diagram.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Portal. Measurement diagram.
Church of the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Dubrovitsy. Attic fragment. Measurement diagram.
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Church is found on order of prince B. Golitsyn, mentor of Peter the Great. On the testimonies of contemporaries the building was finished in 1697. The internal and external decoration of cathedral continued for a period. The consecration of a church was in 1704.
Typologically the building is close to mansion churches of "Naryshkin Baroque" with a quatrefoil plan, but in this case the traditional type of a stepped centrical cathedral is considerably revised showing the influence of a new Baroque way of thinking. The building is elevated on a high base with vast stairs and an open roundabout gallery. Central quadrangle is totally covered with adjoining from four side semicylindrical protrusion of altar and side-altars. An octagonal tower-pillar coronated with an open-work crown rises over the body of the building. Facades of the cathedral are covered with a stone carving and decorated with sculptures. The interior of the church is organized in a new way: a vastб solid inner space is filled with air, walls are richly decorated with sculptures and haut-reliefs - pieces of Italian and Swiss workmanship. In a western foil of the church there remain double-dech wooden gilt choir loft.